Dummy-Training für Jagdhunde

Wie man einen Dummy effektiv für das Jagdhundetraining einsetzt

How to Effectively Use a Dummy for Hunting Dog Training

Hunting Dog


Hunting with dogs has been a popular pastime for centuries, and training a hunting dog requires dedication, patience, and the right tools. One essential tool for training a hunting dog is a dummy, which simulates the weight and feel of game animals. In this article, we will explore how to effectively use a dummy for hunting dog training.

Choosing the Right Dummy

When selecting a dummy for your hunting dog training, it is important to choose one that is the appropriate size and weight for your dog’s breed and skill level. Dummies come in a variety of sizes and materials, including canvas, plastic, and rubber. It is important to choose a dummy that is durable and can withstand the rigors of training.

Hunting Dog Training

Canvas Dummies

Canvas dummies are a popular choice for hunting dog training as they are durable and can be scented with game scent to simulate real hunting conditions. They are also available in different weights to mimic the weight of various game animals.

Plastic Dummies

Plastic dummies are lightweight and float in water, making them ideal for water retrieves. They are also easy to clean and maintain, making them a practical choice for training sessions in wet or muddy conditions.

Rubber Dummies

Rubber dummies are durable and long-lasting, making them a cost-effective option for long-term training. They are also available in different colors, which can help with visibility during training exercises.

Training Exercises with a Dummy

Once you have selected the right dummy for your hunting dog training, it is important to incorporate it into your training exercises effectively. Here are some training exercises you can do with a dummy:

Retrieve Training

One of the most basic yet essential training exercises for a hunting dog is retrieve training. Start by introducing the dummy to your dog and encouraging them to pick it up. Use positive reinforcement such as treats or praise to reward your dog for successfully retrieving the dummy.

Blind Retrieves

Blind retrieves involve sending your dog to find a dummy that they cannot see. This exercise helps your dog develop their scenting abilities and strengthens their obedience and listening skills. Start with short distances and gradually increase the difficulty as your dog improves.

Marked Retrieves

Marked retrieves involve throwing a dummy and having your dog retrieve it from the point of the throw. This exercise helps your dog develop their marking skills and teaches them to pay attention to the location of the fall. Use different distances and angles to challenge your dog and keep them engaged.


Training a hunting dog is a rewarding experience that requires dedication and patience. By using a dummy effectively in your training exercises, you can help your dog develop essential skills and behaviors for successful hunting. Remember to choose the right dummy for your dog’s breed and skill level, and incorporate a variety of training exercises to keep your dog engaged and motivated. With consistent training and positive reinforcement, your hunting dog will be well-prepared for the field and ready to assist you on your hunting adventures.

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